Zen Luxury. Creating a Garden that is Lush. Easy. Peaceful.

Zen Luxury.  Creating a Garden that is Lush.  Easy.  Peaceful.

Welcome and Mission

Welcome Gentle Readers,

My purpose herein is to create and maintain a blog, as well as relearning how much I love to garden. Plus, maybe just a bit of working on those photography skills too.

Beginners will find tips and advise on this blog.  Avid and experienced gardeners will find much with which to giggle or commiserate.  My Balcony Oasis is planned as a treat for my eyes and calmness for my soul.  Sorry, no veggies here!

This blog begins in 2010 with my May 1 plantings on a small balcony. This blog includes tips, how-to advice, photos, videos, observations and a few tales to tell. Please feel free to check out earlier posts in the "Archive" section (I am so excited now that I have posted enough to have Archives). I welcome your comments.

I was raised in a home situated on one lush acre. The joys of a large landscape were many as we moved through the four seasons of the US northeast. The chores were also plentiful on a large property.  I believe a small garden can be fun, easy to maintain, and simply take very little time while providing bountiful rewards to the gardener.

Can a person with a small garden space possibly create
a lush environment?

I'm here to find out! I'll be researching other blogs and videos that support this quest and will provide ongoing links to those sites. Hope you enjoy the journey with me.

~ Joan